Our flight was cancelled last month as we tried to make our way back home from Orlando (another blog for another day), and the hotel we stayed at (awaiting our flight the next day) had a little lending library in it! It was right at check in next to the lovely cold water with floating strawberries and mint!
They were both a refreshing sight to see.
I had a book with me, but with the extra 24 hours now on my hands, I knew that I would need another one to tie me over.
The plan had been to buy one at the airport store (how does one get so lucky as to have their book sold at the airport?) because, after all, let's support authors or they may stop writing and then where would we all be?
But, as I sipped my lovely strawberry-mint water, this book caught my eye.
I had never heard of Riley Sager (a pseudonym actually- that's another blog right there, didn't know people still used these for writing!), but the title, cover, and back flap intrigued me. It didn't disappoint. It was a fast-pace read where I wasn't sure half the time if I was reading a "ghost story" where in the end there really would be ghosts, or if somehow the twists would take me back around to an actual person.
If you are looking for something a bit "ghosty", perhaps you are camping and looking for a read around the fire? Try Home Before Dark, but watch out when you shut the lights off, the cover GLOWS IN THE DARK! (best publishing gimmick I have ever seen!).